The Difficulties of Family Planning for LGBTQIA+ Folks
By: Mathew Skrezyna-Wunsch

Exploring building a family can be difficult for many individuas, but members of the LGBTQIA+ are faced with many additional barriers along the way. There are many paths LGBTQIA+ people can consider when growing a family, from foster care and adoption to at-home insemination, platonic co-parenting arrangements, in vitro fertilization and surrogacy. Society places emphasis on heteronormative roles and when thinking about growing families many LGBTQIA+ individuals are faced with stigmas and can make the thoughts of growing a family anxiety provoking. Whatever works for you, it is essential to know that you are not alone in this struggle of building a family and as a community we need to radically accept the idea that for us it is just that much more difficult.
Misinterpretation of Adoption While Building A Family
Adoption is a beautiful process but there is also a lot of stigma around the idea of adoption especially centered around the idea of reinification with biological family for the child. When researching adoption many LGBTQIA+ families might fear that their adoptive child would be taken away from them if reunification occurs. With lots of reesearch you will learn that statically most waiting children in foster care have little to no family involvment and you might be this childs only chance at having a family.
Costs Associated with Family Building
Deciding to start a family is as much a financial decision as an emotional one. This is especially true for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, who often rely on alternative paths, such as adoption and surrogacy, to have children. When researching costs associated with family building many folks may see Adoption costs approximately $20,000–$45,000 ; International Adoption costs approximately $25,000–$150,000 ; and foster care adoption from $0-$2300. Family planning can be a complex and costly process for LGBTQ+ people. Understanding your options is important so that you will be financially prepared for the future ahead.
Resources For Family Building in NYC
When exploring building a family you are not alone in this Journey. Partnering with a therapist that has lived expereience can be important to navigate the emotions that arise when explooring this beautiful chapter in your life. Everyone’s path to parenthood is different and were here to support you throughout the process.